Envis GM, Crops 0.0.1
Genetically modified or “GM” crops arebeingconsidered as having the potential to bring about the secondgreenrevolution. India is currently working on 111 transgeniccropvarieties of various vegetables, fruits, spices, cereals,bambooetc. Transgenic crops brinjal, cabbage, castor, cauliflower,corn,groundnut, okra, potato, rice and tomato are under fieldtrialsstage. But it is cotton which was the first GM crop tobeextensively worked upon & commercially released in India;thereason being that India has the largest area undercottoncultivation in the world.
Bacteria & their Applications 0.0.1
1. Welcome to Important Bacteria andtheirApplications App –Version 1.0.2. This is specially designed for students,researchers,scientist, and the general who are interested to knowabout theeconomic importance of Bacteria by ENVIS Centre onEnvironmentalBiotechnology. 3. Click on the app and explore the important Bacteria andtheirapplications4. You can search by 4 categories-Agriculture/Industrial//Pathogen/ and Pollution abatement ofBacteria5. Click on any one of category to see the species nameandfurther click on the species find the details ofdescription,classification, images and applications.6. In the bottom of every page you can search the fungispeciesby name for details7. For more info click on the links: http://deskuenvis.nic.inNote: Internet connection in your mobile phone/tabletismandatory to run this app.Use this APP and let us knowyourfeedback:   [email protected] orcall usat +913325808749Supported by Ministry of Environment, Forest andClimateChange, Government of India.  Designed by: ENVIS Centre on Environmental Biotechnology,Universityof Kalyani
Fungi and their Applications 0.0.1
This apps contains Important Fungi andtheirApplications1. Welcome to Important Fungi and their Applications App–Version1.0.2. This is specially designed for students,researchers,scientist, and the general who are interested to knowabout theeconomic importance of Fungi by ENVIS Centre onEnvironmentalBiotechnology.3. Click on the app and explore the important fungi andtheirapplications4. You can search by 4 categories- /Industrial/Food/Pathogen/andPollution abatement of Fungi5. Click on any one of category to see the species nameandfurther click on the species find the details ofdescription,classification, images and applications.6. In the bottom of every page you can search the fungispeciesby name for details7. For more info click on the links: http://deskuenvis.nic.inSupported by Ministry of Environment, Forest and ClimateChange,Government of India.Designed by: ENVIS Centre on Environmental Biotechnology,Universityof Kalyani.
Waste to Wealth 1.0
This App is designed to know about the conversion of Waste toWealth
Useful Algae & their Applications 1.3
Many algae are used by human beings for food, industrialproducts,bio-fertilizer, medicinal products etc. from ancienttimes. Algaecome in different shapes, sizes and colors — fromunicellularmicro-algae to macro forms, and from red to yellow toblue togreen. This app has been developed by ENVIS ResourcePartner,University of Kalyani
Genetically Modified Corps: Risks & Benefits 1.3
Genetically modified or "GM" crops are being considered ashavingthe potential to bring about the second green revolution.India iscurrently working on 111 transgenic crop varieties ofvariousvegetables, fruits, spices, cereals, bamboo etc. Transgeniccropsbrinjal, cabbage, castor, cauliflower, corn, groundnut,okra,potato, rice and tomato are under field trials stage. But itiscotton which was the first GM crop to be extensively workedupon& commercially released in India; the reason being thatIndiahas the largest area under cotton cultivation in the world.
Carbon Footprint Calculator 1.0
Carbon Footprint Calculator is an easy way to check domestic carbonfootprint.
Abstract Research Papers on di 1.3
This connect to the website of ENVIS RP, Kalyani University
Useful Fungi & Their Applicati 1.0
This app has been developed by Envis RP, KU to promoteBiotechnology
Vermicomposting Earthworm Practices & Applications
This app has been developed by ENVIS RP, KU to promoteVermicomposting.
Biodiversity & Climate Change by ENVIS RP Kalyani 1.0
This app discuss about the effect of climate change onBiodiversityby ENVIS RP, Kalyani University
Life–Lifestyle for Environment 1.0
An India-led global mass movement to protect and preservetheenvironment.
Millets: story of super crops 1.0
An interesting journey to know about millets, a super crop for you.